Chairs’ statement re Annual Evaluation of Complaints 2024

Horton Housing Association and Chartford Housing Limited Chairs’ statement – Annual Evaluation of Complaints

“We take pride in providing high quality accommodation and delivering services that the people who access our services and our stakeholders expect. However, we recognise that there are occasions when things go wrong and the services we provide may not meet expectations.

We encourage and welcome feedback, both negative and positive, to ensure expectations are met and this is used to help continuous service improvement across the organisation. We want to provide a positive experience for anyone who engages with our organisation and for people to feel confident to speak up if this isn’t the case.

Examples of how we have made changes to meet expectations include the levelling of a path at one of our properties as the tenant complained that it was difficult to manoeuvre his wheelchair over the existing path which was slightly uneven. We have also recently increased the number of maintenance workers in our Property Services Team to ensure that we can deliver a more responsive service to repairs.

As part of our ongoing commitment to use complaints as a platform for service improvement, we endorse and comply with the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code and have returned our completed annual self-assessment. This sets out good practice for landlords to respond to complaints effectively and fairly across the services that they deliver.

Over the last 12 months (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024) we received 29 formal complaints and over 290 compliments. We have taken lessons learnt from complaints and fed this into continuous service improvement plans and we have also shared the positive feedback received.”

You can see the full report and our Action Plan by following these links:

Complaints self assessment (docx.)

Action plan (docx.)

Complaints policy and procedure interim review (docx.)

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