Keeping you safe

A young woman wearing a hooded top looking worried

We have a responsibility to keep you safe while you are staying with us.

You are free to come and go from the accommodation but we do have agreements in place to help you keep safe. This may include specific conditions about when you will return home.

We will ask you to put the phone number of the accommodation in your phone so that if you get lost or are unable to return when planned, you can let us know. You can also ask for help if you need us.

In the rare event that we become concerned about your wellbeing – for example you have not returned home when agreed – we may report you as missing. This means we will contact the Police who will then help us to find you.

If someone is harming you

We will always take action if someone is suffering from abuse. Our colleagues are trained to recognise signs when abuse is happening and what to do to help you.

Read more about the ways we keep you safe here: Keep Safe – Horton Housing

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