Loneliness can affect anyone at any time.
There are many reasons why someone may be feeling lonely, such as a change in their life, their current situation or feeling different from other people around them.
This negative feeling can come and go – but can become a problem if a person has been feeling this way for a long time.
Long-term loneliness can lead to or be caused by mental and physical health issues and an unhealthy lifestyle. This includes stress, anxiety and depression, heart disease, obesity, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease. Research also suggests that loneliness could be as harmful on the body as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
It’s important to reach out, talk to others and ask for help if you are feeling lonely.
Visit the websites below for more advice and support.
NHS – Mental health: Feeling lonely
NHS Every Mind Matters – Dealing with loneliness
Mind – Loneliness and mental health