We want you to be involved in making sure our services are as good as they can be.
Once a week, we provide a dedicated time for all residents to meet with our staff. This is a valuable session where you can openly share your concerns, suggestions or ideas. We encourage you to speak up and let us know if there is anything you feel needs to change or improve.
We will consult you about any changes to the service and ask for your suggestions. For example we might want to get your ideas on how we will decorate communal spaces and bedrooms, or if we are planning group activities. We will let you know whether we can put your ideas in place and if not, why not.
In addition to the weekly meetings, there are lots of different ways you can get involved and have your say including:
- Talking to your support worker
- Filling out feedback forms
- Attending house meetings and taking part in our quarterly Together with Tenant meetings
- Taking part in focus groups and being a voice for other residents
- Designing scheme leaflets, newsletters and posters
- Helping to apply for funding or taking part in fundraising events
- Being part of an interview panel to recruit new staff
- Helping to organise trips, festival and picnics
- Taking part in training and using your skills for example running a meeting
- Letting us know what you think about our policies and procedures
- Filling out surveys
- Completing suggestion postcards.
Getting involved in your local community
We will also encourage you to get involved in your local community. For example, if you are coming up to 18 we will encourage you to register to vote in local and general elections.
We will also help you to access volunteering opportunities and interest groups in your local community, for example if you have a hobby such as painting or creative writing.
Making a complaint
If you are unhappy with any aspect of the service we provide you can also make a complaint.